15 ways to prevent heart attack

Ways to Prevent Heart Attacks!

Heart attacks the most common problem nowadays and with the stress of maintaining a professional and personal career, heart health is truly going to the dogs. Because of this, heart attacks are common occurrences today. Here are some steps to do away with heart ailments for good.

For your ease you can even buy some of the products directly from amazon by clicking the images!

1.- Stress Management

Stress is the ultimate deterrent in achieving proper heart health. Stress creates a hormonal influx, elevates the heart rate and in doing so, causes the heart to pump at a rate beyond its capacity. Not only does this weaken the heart in the long run, but also makes one susceptible to cardiac arrests. Doing away with stress will increase your resistance to heart ailments....

Image result for stress management

2.- Tea
Be it black or green, tea has been unanimously effective in contributing to cardiovascular health. The rich antioxidant content is said to regulate fluid control and arterial cleansing, and also facilitate low cholesterol levels. ...People consuming two cups of tea every day have only 11% chance of suffering a stroke in their lifetime.
a packet of green tea 

3.- Sex🤐

A good sex life is paramount in maintaining optimum physical functions and this holds true for heart-health, as well. Sex promotes hormonal production, neural stability and vascular strength, among its many benefits. Studies have shown that men having sex twice a week have lesser chances of contracting strokes in their 50’s than those who do not.Remember to have protected sex always !
Image result for sex
 4.- Cherries
The sweet little nubs are miraculous in reducing risks of heart disease. Studies conducted show that the anthocyanine pigment, responsible for lending colour to cherries, is also a key ingredient aiding uric acid reduction. An excess of uric acid in blood will eventually lead to cardiac arrest. Consuming a handful of cherries, whether whole, dried or juiced, will ensure a healthy heart for a long time.

5.- Regular Cholesterol Check-Ups

Annual cholesterol-level checkups are essential to monitor any semblance of cardiac damage. This will help in diagnosing the correct dosage, diet and exercise required, to bring the body back to health.You can do your blood pressure check done at home too because of the blood pressure machine!

blood pressure calculator
6.- Regular Vacations
All work and no play not only make Jack dull, but also make him prone to cardiac arrests. Studies have shown that people taking regular vacations from their strenuous work-life have lesser chances of heart ailments, than people working continuously for months, at a stretch.
Image result for vacation

7.- Oranges

Oranges, one of the richest sources of Vitamin C, lower cholesterol levels and clear arterial blockages. Oranges are versatile fruits, which can be consumed whole or made into juices. Eat an orange every day to reap benefits of good health.

8.-  Water

Proper hydration maintains blood fluidity and reduces chances of internal coagulation. Drinking 2.5 litres of water daily will flush the toxins from the system and optimize cholesterol levels.

Image result for water drinking

9.- Hazelnut

Consuming 425 grams of hazelnut daily will reduce the risk of coronary blockage by 16%. Its essential oil content is beneficial to the delicate cellular lining of the heart and blood vessels. Whether eaten whole, ground, or roasted, hazelnuts are excellent additions to the daily diet.


A healthy inclusion of legumes is essential for efficient cardiovascular functions. Rich in fibre and mineral content, legumes provide the right amount of nutrients needed to ensure the proper functioning of the heart.

11.- High-Fibre Breakfast

With low glycemic levels in the mornings, a high-fibre breakfast is the best way to kick-start the metabolic rate. Studies have shown that men consuming multi-grained breakfast have had 23% less chances of developing heart ailments than those who do not. And the best breadfast to start your day is to start it with oats!

12.- Dark Chocolate 

Flavonoids contained in dark chocolate are anti-inflammatory agents, which also maintain arterial flexibility, apart from reducing cholesterol levels in the blood. Dark chocolates also boost serotonin levels in the blood and render. And also dark chocolate contains less sugar than other chocolate bars.

13.- Yoga

    Yoga improves health, relieves mental stress and detoxifies the body. It strengthens immunity and increases your energy level.  Yoga improves flexibility, posture and helps reduce body weight.It inculcates self-awareness on a physical and psychological level.  Yoga is known to reduce chronic pain caused from arthritis or severe injuries. Lastly, it promotes healthy eating habits and improves sleep quality.Image result for yoga

You can buy a yoga mat here  at the link

14.- Beer

Light-beer contains heart-healthy antioxidants, which reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood. Having a beer everyday may have some benefit to immunity. However, one should exercise moderation while consu4. Vitamin B Complex

Regular intake of Vitamin B complex supplements tends to lower the levels of homocysteine, a compound that elevates risks of heart diseases. The blood vessels are also suitably enlarged to allow improved circulation of bloodming beer, as over-consumption can cause more harm than good.
Image result for light beer


People sleeping less than 7 hours are at higher risks for contracting heart diseases than people with optimum amounts of rest at night. Uninterrupted sleep is absolutely essential for maintaining blood pressure and cholesterol level.

Image result for sleeping

wait !where are you going, suscribe us  because a part 2 of this post will also come because this topic (heart and health) has many points to cover and putting them all in one post is not possible and thanks for reading !
share it with your loved ones and make them aware of this too!😍

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And Connect with me📱on instagram as✌  Jay Sharma (@jaysharma28699) 


  1. I had no idea that some of these were good things to prevent heart attacks. These are so useful to know x

  2. I didn't know about some of these! I guess I will have to add more heart friendly food in my diet. Cherries would be nice to have everyday! Oh and hazelnuts too. They're my favorite!

  3. Diet and exercise are the best ways to keep our heart and cardiovascular system healthy. I need to add more of the high fiber food in my diet too. The crunchy muesli sounds delicious!

  4. I honestly didn't realize how good cherries were for you until very recently having to deal with gout. Cherries are amazing and you definitely should get at least a handful a day.

  5. Great health tips here. Stress can lead to all health problems. Best to control it early.

  6. This post is full of excellent information. I love that you are sharing this timely message about heart attacks because heart disease is the leading cause of death in America.

  7. These are some great tips on preventing heart strokes. I had no idea about orange but glad to know about it!


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